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Motion Toys

Children love the exciting variety that moving elements bring to the playground. Add a spring toy, seesaw, teeter-totter or rocker to your play structure, or create a unique play space filled entirely with freestanding and traditional play events.

For thematic playgrounds, there’s no easier way to add character. Our selection of spring toys and spring riders includes dinosaurs, ships and sea creatures, animals from around the globe, and vehicles, including race cars, motorcycles, planes, trains, SUVs and fire trucks. 


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A customizable ocean themed fish playground see-saw teeter totter, perfect for small spaces.

Mr. Fishy Multi-User Playground See-Saw: Accessible

This pirate themed see-saw teeter totter can be customized to fit your playground aesthetic. Designed for 4 users.

Pirate Ship Multi-User Playground See-Saw

A customizable motorcycle themed playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Playground Racing Motorcycle Motion Toy

A customizable animal themed puppy playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Puppy Playground Motion Toy

A customizable ocean themed shark playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Shark Playground Motion Toy

A customizable ocean themed surfboard playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Surfboard Playground Rider

A customizable train themed playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Train Playground Motion Toy

A customizable alphabet themed playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

ABC Playground Motion Toy

A customizable nature themed canoe playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Canoe Playground Motion Toy

A customizable dinosaur themed playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Dino Playground Motion Toy

A modern take on the traditional playground see-saw, designed for four users.

Four Seater Spring Playground See-Saw

A customizable motorcycle playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces. Designed for one user.

Motorcycle Playground Motion Toy

A customizable ocean themed octopus playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Octopus Playground Motion Toy

A customizable fire station themed fire truck playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Playground Fire Truck Motion Toy

This modern take on the traditional see-saw teeter totter can be customized to fit your playground aesthetic.

Playground Retro Rocker

A wobbling platform playground spinner perfect for small spaces.

Rock-A-Round Playground Spinner

A customizable farm themed sheep playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Sheep Playground Motion Toy

A customizable farm themed tractor playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Tractor Playground Motion Toy

A customizable dinosaur-themed triceratops playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Triceratops Playground Motion Toy

A customizable animal themed bird playground teeter totter see-saw perfect for small spaces.

Bird Multi-User Playground See-Saw

A customizable car themed playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Car Playground Motion Toy

A customizable dinosaur themed playground see-saw perfect for small spaces and designed for 2 users.

Dinosaur Playground See-Saw

A customizable jet airplane themed playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Jet Playground Motion Toy

A customizable ocean-themed crab playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces. Designed for one user.

Mr. Crabby Playground Motion Toy

A customizable farm themed pig playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Pig Playground Motion Toy

A customizable racecar themed playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Playground Racecar Motion Toy

A customizable car themed SUV playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Playground SUV Motion Toy

This modern take on the traditional see-saw teeter totter can be customized to fit your playground aesthetic.

Schmoo Playground See-Saw

A customizable skateboard playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Skateboard Playground Rider

This modern take on the traditional see-saw teeter totter can be customized to fit your playground aesthetic.

Traditional Playground Teeter Totter

A customizable ocean themed whale playground motion toy, perfect for small spaces.

Wally the Whale Playground Motion Toy

A customizable construction themed bulldozer playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Bulldozer Playground Motion Toy

A customizable farm cow playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces.

Cow Playground Motion Toy

A customizable dinosaur themed playground see-saw perfect for small spaces and designed for up to 4 users.

Dinosaur Quad Playground See-Saw

A customizable playground rocker motion toy perfect for small spaces. Designed for up to four users.

Lucky Clover Playground Motion Toy

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